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The Gigablast Appliance

The Gigablast Appliance is a small, 1U (about the size of a pizza box) server that can hold and search one billion web pages. Network hundreds together to increase your search engine's size or speed.

Appliance Details
Maximum Index Size1 Billion Web Pages
Minimum Typical Query Throughput   20 Queries per Second
Power Requirements240 Watts Maximum Power
Operating SystemLinux
Gigablast VersionGigablast PRO™
Redundant Power Supplies

The Gigablast Appliance runs Gigablast PRO™, a souped-up commercial version of the popular open source Gigablast search engine. In addition to hundreds of bug fixes and enhancements, there are a number of outstanding features that make Gigablast PRO™ a superior choice to its open source cousin.

Gigablast PRO™ Gigablast Open Source
20x Faster Queries
Accelerated Spidering
Query Spell Checker
Query Completion
Related Queries
Can Index Entire Book as a Document
Enhanced Spider Proxy Usage
Enhanced Performance Diagnostics
Available as a 64-bit Binary
Available as a 32-bit Binary
Cached Pages
Query Term Highlighting
Uses Wiktionary for Query Expansion
Supports Gigabits™
Supports Nuggabits™
Customizable Synonym File
Indexes Word Position Information
Transparent Scoring
Redundant Mirror Hosts
Distributed Spider
Highly-Programmable Spider
Duplicate Removal at Spider Time
Duplicate Removal at Query Time
Real-Time Spider Monitoring Widget
Query Reindex/Delete Support
Can Repair/Rebuild Files
Federated Search over Multiple Collections
Spider Plugins to Convert Files to HTML
Indexes/Searches Native JSON/XML/WARC
Facets over Numeric/String Fields
Sort/Constrain by Numeric Fields
Shard Rebalancing in GUI
Can Return Millions of Results per Query
Nested Boolean Query Support
Built-in Real-Time Profiler
Built-in QA Test Suite
Uses Single Binary Program for Everything
Code Base Age 17 years 17 years
Code Base in Active Development 17 years 15 years
Supported Operating Systems Linux Linux
Minimum Memory per Host 8GB 4GB
Approximate Web Pages per Disk GB 35000 35000
Search Language Support All All

Please contact us to discuss further details.