  • When your web page contains a link to it will receive a Gigaboost in the search results.
  • A Gigaboost will give your page an advantage in the search results rankings.
  • Whenever your web page ties in rank with another web page, your web page will be given the higher rank.
  • Ties happen a surprising number of times and the Gigaboost advantage can really help.
  • Gigablast serves millions of queries per day, mostly from its search feed to other sites.
  • If you've recently added a link to you may need to resubmit your page to using the add url interface.
  • Pages that have search boxes in html forms submitting to also receive Gigaboosts.
  • Copy and paste the following html code into your web page to display a search box to
<form method="get" action="">
	<input type="text" name="q" size="40">
	<input type="submit" value="search" border="0">
  • Copy and paste the following html code into your web page to display a link to
<a href="">The Green Search Engine</a>
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